Bethany SDA Church

Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching In

Keeping Silence is Wisdom

February 12, 2021 - “One Moment With God” - Keeping Silence is Wisdom

“He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.”

“A talebearer revealed secrets; but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.” Proverbs 11:12-13

PRAYER:  Counsellor, I thank You for wisdom that “a man of understanding holds his peace.”

Lord, forgive me for all the times I offered opinions in matters when I should have kept my mouth shut or spoke in agreement with another person’s thoughts. 

Lord, I pray to have a spirit that is faithful in keeping silent so that I am not guilty of being a talebearer.  When I hold my spirit, I am blessed and called your son and your daughter (Matthew 5:9). Thank You Jesus I pray. Amen

God Is YES.  You Eternally Satisfies!

Patricia Williams Brown. “One Moment With God” Inspirations

Copyright @ 2021 Appointed, Anointed, Commissioned Ministries

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