Bethany SDA Church

Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching In

The Blessed Life

August 11, 2021 - “One Moment With God” - The Blessed Life

“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22

PRAYER: Father, I am thankful to be a recipient of your blessing. Your blessing makes me rich and happy.  You do not add sorrow with blessing, only riches.

Lord, I accept the riches of a blessed life—wisdom to know You, knowledge that keeps my feet on the right path and understanding of your divine power and love, your greatness, compassions, patience, mercy, forgiveness and grace. Lord, I thank You Lord for your blessing. Amen

God Is YES.  You Eternally Satisfies!

Patricia Williams Brown. “One Moment With God” Inspirations

Copyright @ 2021 Appointed, Anointed, Commissioned Ministries

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