Bethany SDA Church

Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching In

The Names of God

August 27, 2021 - “One Moment With God” - The Names of God

"The Name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runs into it and is safe." Proverbs 18:10

PRAYER:  El Shaddai, the Almighty God, I am so grateful that I can call your name and be blessed.  You are Lord and Savior, the Holy One, Truth; my High Tower and my Hiding Place; Keeper and Shepherd.

Lord, You have a name for every need and situation upon this earth.  Hallelujah Jesus!  With your many, many names I worship You and give You glory. In thy many, many wonderful names I pray. Amen

God Is YES.  You Eternally  Satisfies!

Patricia Williams Brown. “One Moment With God” Inspirations

Copyright @ 2021  Appointed, Anointed, Commissioned Ministries

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