Bethany SDA Church

Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching In

Turn Us Again

November 18, 2020 - “One Moment With God” - Turn Us Again 

“Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine: and we shall be saved.” Psalm 80:3, 7, 19.

PRAYER:  Father, my mouth sing forth with praise because your mercy and compassions draw us to You.  

Lord, we pray for this nation to turn it’s attention to You because You are the Light of the world. Cause your face, dear Master, to shine on people during this time of disease, disaster and death. In thy name we offer this prayer. Amen

God Is YES.  You Eternally Satisfies!

Patricia Williams Brown. “One Moment With God” Inspirations

Copyright @ 2020  Appointed, Anointed, Commissioned Ministries