Bethany SDA Church

Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching In

Wednesday Morning Praise

October 6, 2021 - “One Moment With God” - Wednesday Morning Praise

“For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:13

PRAYER: Father, I am thankful this date, October 6, 2021.  For 279 days your right hand has been the strength that guided me through crises, storms, trials; even the small flame which could have enlarged and consumed me. 

Lord, through it all your voice “Fear thou not: for I am with thee” has spoken in the noises and in the peaceful times of my life (Isaiah 41:10, 13 and Isaiah 43:5).  I thank You and give You praise. Amen

God Is YES.  You Eternally Satisfies!

Patricia Williams Brown. “One Moment With God” Inspirations

Copyright @ 2021 Appointed, Anointed, Commissioned Ministries

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